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Leyak Ate The Unborn Child

" Hi, what's up devil enemies? Today the story comes from my friend Ayu. Ayu is one of my friends that I told you about in my previous post " Female ghost wants to be like me?" Ayu told me that she had encountered with "Leak or Leyak" in her province, Bali.  In the  folklore of Bali , the  Leyak  locally  pronounced Leak  is a mythological figure in the form of a flying head with entrails ( heart ,  lung ,  liver , etc.) still attached.  Leyak is said to fly trying to find a  pregnant  woman in order to suck her baby's blood or a newborn child.   There are three legendary Leyak, two females and one male. Leyaks are humans who are practicing  black magic  and have  cannibalistic  behavior.   Their mistress is the "queen of Leyak", a widow-witch named  Rangda , who plays a prominent role in public rituals.   Besides Leyaks, demons are said to be the followers of Rangda. Leyak are said to haunt  graveyards , feed on  corpses , have power to chang

A Tall Hairy Creature Grabbed My Neck

Hello, what's up devil enemy? Are you ready to read my sinister journey?

Let's start...

I want to share my horrible experience when I was on vacation on Bali island.

This is a continuation of my previous blog Cobra snake was gone.

As a person, most of the time I like to spend myself alone. That's why when I was in Bali, I stayed alone in a hotel or villa.

After I stayed in the hotel for three days in Legian street Bali, I decided to look for a villa so I can continue writing my blogs.

I was searching for a villa with a good price based on my holiday budget.

I kept searching on a website until I found a villa near Dreamland beach. That villa is beautiful, and a bit cheap. I am wondering how a villa like that has a good price. Well, let's go and take a look. I said to myself.

Then I went alone and rode a motorcycle, as at that time all my friends were busy. 

I know almost all the areas in Bali, so it's not a problem for me to reach that villa near Dreamland beach. 

That villa is inside a small street which can only pass by motorcycle. The right side and left side of the street are overgrown with lush green tall trees. The trees make the environment of the villas cool.

Ok, now I arrived at the villa. It looks like same as in the advertisement. 

There were also four tall green trees inside the villa. With additional wild plants surrounding the yard of the villa.

Again, my feelings were not good at that time. I can sense the "mysterious" thing in the villa

I stopped my motorcycle at the gate, and someone came outside from the villa. She opened the fence and let me in with my motorcycle.

I parked my motorcycle in the parking area inside the villa. Then she introduced herself to me. "Hi, my name is Desak. I am the owner of the villa."  She said to me. Then I replied: Hi, my name is Rose. Nice to meet you, Mrs. Desak. Same to you, it's nice to meet you too, she replied.

So we talked about that villa, about the price, and how long the villa has stood. That villa has stood for 8 years now. It's quite old, but Mrs. Desak did renovation once in 4 years. We have an agreement about the price. 

She also explained why there are so many wild plants in the villa. She said it's because she lived in her village most of the time, so no one can take care of the villa. That's why that villa looked unorganized.

By the way, Mrs. Desak also lives in another small house beside the villa. But because her husband was sick in the village, so she didn't stay in that house again. Then, Mrs. Desak gave the villa's key and she went to her village on her motorcycle.

Long story short, I came inside the villa and put my things in the bedroom.

That villa is not big, but quiet and peaceful. It's a little bit dirty that I can see dust everywhere. I understand that because Mrs. Desak didn't live there for a few years now since her husband was sick.

I decided to clean up the dust and the mess in the living room, dining room, small kitchen, bedroom, and the last bathroom.

Until I didn't realize that the time was running so fast. When I cleaned the bathroom, it was already 11.30 pm. 

I cleaned and scratched the wall of the bathroom with the sponge and carbolic chemicals. I finished at 12.05 am or five minutes past midnight.

Then the unusual thing happened, suddenly I felt like something grabbing my neck. 

I can feel something on my back holding tight my neck. 

When I tried to look at it from the right side, I saw his hand full of furs. 

His hand was hairy with full of black furs. 


I know it was Genderuwo, a creature that has a tall body, full of hair all over his body. 

It almost looks like a gorilla but with black long fur hair all over his body. 

Genderuwo is a naughty djinn who likes to tease women and children. They like to live in old buildings, in the trees, and in something humid like an old bathroom. 

Back to the situation, he aka Genderuwo still holding my neck firmly. I was frightened, my heart pumping so fast. But I understand that I was alone, as no one was there and I also can't go anywhere.

I keep praying and praying nonstop for almost 30 minutes. He was so strong, didn't want to let go of his hairy hand from my neck. He used one hand to grab my neck, and it was already painful and I felt I hardly breathe.

I realized it was between life and death situation, so I keep praying prayers based on my beliefs.

I believe that I can defeat Genderuwo with my prayers. Until it was 30 minutes, then suddenly his hand was released from my neck and he disappear.

I was so exhausted, only at that time I felt that my body was so....tired. 

I felt like I don't have energy left. But I was so excited, that I can defeat the strongest creature with guidance from God. 

It makes me a more faithful person now.

After that, I can feel that the villa was so fresh and clean. This time literary "clean". 

It means I can do the invocation like in the horror movie lol... 

As I told you before, I can feel if a house or building has " something" inside or not. However, I can't see all the time ghosts, djinns, or other creatures. 

Sometimes I can only feel them, but most of the time they like to show up in front of me. That's what makes me have to be ready anywhere and anytime.

Ok, Genderuwo enemy, thank you for reading my sinister experience.

See you soon in the next story, and stay alive.


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