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Leyak Ate The Unborn Child

" Hi, what's up devil enemies? Today the story comes from my friend Ayu. Ayu is one of my friends that I told you about in my previous post " Female ghost wants to be like me?" Ayu told me that she had encountered with "Leak or Leyak" in her province, Bali.  In the  folklore of Bali , the  Leyak  locally  pronounced Leak  is a mythological figure in the form of a flying head with entrails ( heart ,  lung ,  liver , etc.) still attached.  Leyak is said to fly trying to find a  pregnant  woman in order to suck her baby's blood or a newborn child.   There are three legendary Leyak, two females and one male. Leyaks are humans who are practicing  black magic  and have  cannibalistic  behavior.   Their mistress is the "queen of Leyak", a widow-witch named  Rangda , who plays a prominent role in public rituals.   Besides Leyaks, demons are said to be the followers of Rangda. Leyak are said to haunt  graveyards , feed on  corpses , have power to chang

Devil Is Real

This time I want to share my horror story  when I was worked in five star hotel in Jakarta, Indonesia. We can called it "M" hotel.

I never imagine that I will have this spiritual experience in my life.

I was working as Receptionist in "M" hotel health club and spa that time. 

From the beginning I worked there, I can feel the difference atmosphere from the health club and spa.

Sometimes I can see the shadow passed by, but when I tried to look at it clearly, it's just shadow, and nothing else. I mean no one really there.

My duty was started at 2 pm until 11 pm with one hour break in between. That time I was overtime because so many guest came on the weekend. It's Friday night that time.

It was 11.45 pm when I look at my watch. 

I turn off all the lights in the massage rooms, and inside the gym, turn off lights and equipment in the sauna, and the last I turned off the lights in the reception area. 

Then I went down to the locker room in ground floor to change my uniform. 

When I checked my pocket pant, I realized that I forgot about the keys of the massage rooms. It's inside my pocket when I change my uniform.

I should put back the keys in the key box in the third floor where health club and spa located.

I was going up alone, I felt like bit scared that time.

But inside my heart I told myself that I will just run and put back the keys inside the key box in the health club reception area and go. It's in the elevator when I was thinking about it. Then when I arrived at the third floor, climb up the little stairs , then I put  back the keys inside the box. It was really  dark that time. Then suddenly I saw someone passed by from the spa area.

I saw "Him" the tall "creature" like devil or djinn with the two horns. He's tall until reach the roof of the reception area, wearing black robe like he's king. Well maybe he's s king of the darkness. Then his eyes were red and he's staring at me that time. 

I couldn't believe what I saw, I was thinking maybe I was dream and it's my hallucinations. I was pinch my arm, and knowing that it's real.

He's still there staring at me with his red eyes, and I also stared him back because I couldn't believe what I saw. He's red eyes looked like he's angry, but he didn't talk anything.

I was frozen again that time and my heart was pumped so much. My body was really cold. It's almost 10 seconds I was frozen. 

Then something inside my body told me that I need to go from there. I really thank to God that time because I didn't collapse and I could awake from the freeze situation.

I run, passing the little stairs and went down with elevator. I run out until the outside of the security gate without telling anyone.

I think I was so shocked that time and I went home with my body still cold. And I am sure, I never forget about it my whole life.

Until now I can still remember that king of darkness and if you won't believe that the devil or djinn is real, you are wrong.

Because I saw it with my own eyes!!!

The next day I came to work, I asked one of the spa lady who knows well the owner of the hotel. We can called it Mrs. Yuni. 

I talked to her about what happened to me last night. Then Mrs. Yuni called the paranormal of the hotel owner. 

I didn't know until that time that our hotel owner believe the spiritual thing.

The paranormal explained to me that yes, after 12 pm the hotel especially health club and spa was "taking care" by the devil.

He will be there as the guard, also as the symbol who can bring luck in the business.

Some of people believe about it, that they will put devil, djinn or any other of spiritual thing into their business. They believe that if you asked "them" to bring luck, they will bring it. As long as the people who bring them into their business feed the spirit creature with "something". They have agreement between them. 

For example, every Friday night the hotel owner have to give food or we called it "sesajen". 

 Also the hotel owner needs to take bath with the seven types of flowers.

That's based on the explanation of paranormal of the hotel.

Then the paranormal said again that usually people can't see him as there's also security guard in the swimming pool area which located outside the health club and spa.

Only because I have sixth sense that I can see the devil clearly with my own eyes.

After what happened, then the paranormal give suggestion that I shouldn't be in the health club and spa area after 12 midnight, especially when I am alone.

Then the paranormal give the devil foods or "sesajen" near the spa area.

After that, I never see "him" aka prince of darkness again until I resign from the hotel.

Well, we will continue with another spiritual experience that happened to me while I was working in that five star hotel.

Thank you for reading my blog, and stay tune.


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Leyak Ate The Unborn Child

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