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Leyak Ate The Unborn Child

" Hi, what's up devil enemies? Today the story comes from my friend Ayu. Ayu is one of my friends that I told you about in my previous post " Female ghost wants to be like me?" Ayu told me that she had encountered with "Leak or Leyak" in her province, Bali.  In the  folklore of Bali , the  Leyak  locally  pronounced Leak  is a mythological figure in the form of a flying head with entrails ( heart ,  lung ,  liver , etc.) still attached.  Leyak is said to fly trying to find a  pregnant  woman in order to suck her baby's blood or a newborn child.   There are three legendary Leyak, two females and one male. Leyaks are humans who are practicing  black magic  and have  cannibalistic  behavior.   Their mistress is the "queen of Leyak", a widow-witch named  Rangda , who plays a prominent role in public rituals.   Besides Leyaks, demons are said to be the followers of Rangda. Leyak are said to haunt  graveyards , feed on  corpses , have power to chang

Female ghost wants to be like me?

Hello, again we meet in here. I hope my readers are in good condition to read my story.

This time I want to share my own experience when I was working in hotel "M", Jakarta, Indonesia.

As I told you before on my previous blog "Devil Is Real", I have so many spiritual experiences while working in that hotel.

Let's start... It was Thursday night, and my schedule was from 12 pm to 9 pm, with one hour break in between.

That day I have another receptionist friend, her name is Ayu. 

We had an aerobic group class on going inside the gym. The time checked is 7.30 pm. 

I told Ayu that I want to go for a dinner break in the staff room, even though we have a cafeteria on the ground floor. 

But usually, the food in the cafeteria is not as delicious as the therapist's food which they always bring every day.

That time Ayu only nodded, because she was receiving the call from the guest.

I was there for approximately 20 minutes, 

I ate my dinner and chatted with the other therapist, Karin.

Then suddenly Ayu came inside the staff room to check whose therapist was not working.

She looked so shocked when she saw me inside the staff room. 

Her face became pale and she said to me " I just see you near the guest female locker. 

You were sitting there and we chatted for about two minutes. And how suddenly you are here with Karin? I directly came from the female locker!!! 

I replied to her. I told you that I wanted to have my dinner, did you forget that? And who did you talk to and what does she look like?

Then Ayu said; "I don't know who she is. She looked like you, her hair, her face, her uniform, everything." Even her voice is similar to yours. Only her face little bit pale.

I suddenly understand the situation, and I asked Ayu to come together to the female locker room to check it out.

When we checked together, no one was there. And Ayu said yes, I saw you were sitting in this chair. Ayu almost cried explaining her first horror experience.

I tried to make her calm down and said, this happens sometimes here. You will see not only me who became the victim of female ghosts in the locker room and spa. She can resemble herself as one of us.

I also sometimes saw the therapist passing near the locker room, but that therapist was working in the massage room which is located downstairs.

I crossed check with them, that's why I know it. Now, I am getting used to it.

Don't be scared Ayu. They also want to live here together with us. As long as they are not frightening us, it's fine. I said to Ayu to make herself calm.

After that, Ayu was calming down and said thank you for sharing my experiences. It's important to her as she wants to work there for a long period.

Well, seems that the female ghosts in the spa and locker room want to know another person besides me.

Welcome on board Ayu, now I have friends to share my horror stories with.


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