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Leyak Ate The Unborn Child

" Hi, what's up devil enemies? Today the story comes from my friend Ayu. Ayu is one of my friends that I told you about in my previous post " Female ghost wants to be like me?" Ayu told me that she had encountered with "Leak or Leyak" in her province, Bali.  In the  folklore of Bali , the  Leyak  locally  pronounced Leak  is a mythological figure in the form of a flying head with entrails ( heart ,  lung ,  liver , etc.) still attached.  Leyak is said to fly trying to find a  pregnant  woman in order to suck her baby's blood or a newborn child.   There are three legendary Leyak, two females and one male. Leyaks are humans who are practicing  black magic  and have  cannibalistic  behavior.   Their mistress is the "queen of Leyak", a widow-witch named  Rangda , who plays a prominent role in public rituals.   Besides Leyaks, demons are said to be the followers of Rangda. Leyak are said to haunt  graveyards , feed on  corpses , have power to chang

Cobra Snake Was Gone!!!

What's up ghost enemy? I hope you are still with me today. This time I want to share my experience when I was on vacation in Bali Island, Indonesia. 

It was 4 years ago when I visited the Island of God. I stayed in a hotel at Legian street. Bali is my second home after Jakarta. 
I toured alone around Bali at that time because I have so many friends in Bali. 

Most of the time I was accompanied by my friends there. When I want to travel nearby my hotel, I rode a motorcycle. But when I want to travel a little bit far, I asked my friend to be my driver. 

I was accompanied by my friends, Ambar and Caesar. Ambar is my best friend from junior high school until now. We were in the same junior high school and senior high school together. But when we were in college, we were in different universities.

She's studied at a famous university and holds a bachelor's degree. And for me, 
I studied at the second famous university after her and hold a diploma degree. 

It's because my father couldn't afford to pay for my study in college. He's married to his co - worker when I was 15 years old. 

My beloved mother was passed away when I was 11 years old. After my mother passed away, I had a maid and her name Penni. 

One time I had a fever and my body temperature reached 40 degrees, I was taken care by my maid, Penni. 

My father as always never be at home. Penni already called my father and told about my situation. 
I couldn't move also because I was so headache and my body was very weak. 
Then Penni gave me paracetamol and put cold compressed on my head so my body temperature will be decreased. 

I was so happy, I couldn't believe what I saw. I cried, but felt so happy and sad, it's mix feelings inside my heart. 
How I really miss my mother, I can't describe what my feelings that time. 
I know I wasn't dreamed because when I cried, I told Penni that I saw my mother. 

I recovered directly from my fever after my mother touched my head. I am sure she's happy now in the heaven.

Come back to the way I can afford my study, i got part - time job from the first semester. 
I worked as an administrative assistant in a language institution. 

I was thankful because I can afford my study and my expenses without help from my father until I graduated and got a good job in "M" luxurious hotel in Jakarta.

We coming back to Ambar. I visited her villa in Bali that time with Caesar. She rented that villa together with her co-workers. 

We were chit chat, ate, and watch movies together. Until I realized that I need to go because I have another thing to do. 

When I and Caesar went out from the villa gate, and we were outside at that time.

I panicked, shocked, and pray to God. 
"If its my last day on earth, I surrender myself to you God. 
Please forgive me what I have done."

That's my pray at that time. Caesar was screaming and yelled, hey Rose, there's snake, move fast move fast!!! 

I don't know if its because of my pray, but for sure its Miracle. Otherwise, maybe I already went together with my mother to heaven that time. 

I asked my auntie who knows well about supernatural thing. She said someone sent the snake as a witchcraft to a person inside the villa. 
I don't know who, but clearly its not for Ambar as I asked my auntie then my auntie said its not for her. 

I feel relief from my curiosity after my auntie explained it to me.  
Well that's my vacation experiences.

It's interesting isn't it? Life always brings me unbelievable experiences. 
It makes my life more colorful and gives me adrenaline injections,,, lol. 


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