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Showing posts with the label Supranatural Experience

Leyak Ate The Unborn Child

" Hi, what's up devil enemies? Today the story comes from my friend Ayu. Ayu is one of my friends that I told you about in my previous post " Female ghost wants to be like me?" Ayu told me that she had encountered with "Leak or Leyak" in her province, Bali.  In the  folklore of Bali , the  Leyak  locally  pronounced Leak  is a mythological figure in the form of a flying head with entrails ( heart ,  lung ,  liver , etc.) still attached.  Leyak is said to fly trying to find a  pregnant  woman in order to suck her baby's blood or a newborn child.   There are three legendary Leyak, two females and one male. Leyaks are humans who are practicing  black magic  and have  cannibalistic  behavior.   Their mistress is the "queen of Leyak", a widow-witch named  Rangda , who plays a prominent role in public rituals.   Besides Leyaks, demons are said to be the followers of Rangda. Leyak are said to haunt  graveyards , feed on  corpses , have power to chang

Ghost in Female Toilet

Maybe this is the first time that I can see the ghost. It started when I was in college, in the third semester. I had class in the morning, then continue in the evening. The evening class started at 7 pm and until 9 pm.   It's only a few of my friends left at that time. Me, you can call me Rose, Aria, and Rut. We finished the class at 9 pm, then we decided to change our college uniform from skirts to pants.  Aria and I went inside the female toilet, while Rut was outside waiting for us to change. When Aria and myself already finished changing our skirts, both of us were tidying up our bags. Then suddenly there was wind, it was passing us (me and Aria). I will never forget how it feels until now.   The wind was so strong that the door in the female toilet was opened by itself, and it was also locked by itself.  Then I asked if someone was inside the toilet "Hello, is anyone inside?" Also, Aria knocked on the door and said "Anybody inside?" Because we want to